Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Dustin Potter said...

I didn't get much out of this video. Why are you running? Where are you going? The sound of the tripod clicking and the coming into frame was distracting. I like the small vignette effect. Focus more on stronger concepts and more thoughtful camera work. The cut off at the end was also jolting.

jacqueline quebec said...

It was a little confusing. I wasn't sure what you were getting at. I think there needs to be more to the story.

Ted Cadieux said...

I feel the same s the others that posted.

What are you doing/what are you running to/from?

Needs a bit more.

Madison said...


suzukaze said...

i really liked how you kept the camera pretty steady and i kinda like how it is mysterious like you dont know where you are going

ridgerat89 said...

i didnt really get what was going on in this, if he was running or riding a bike or what. i feel like it needed more to it.

Anonymous said...

i think this was good idea..but it could have been better. maybe if u walked slower or maybe if it had a better storyline.