Monday, October 6, 2008


Dustin Potter said...

I really didn't like this one. That single camera angle of a engine running (which you couldn't tell without the audio) for one minute was boring. The only part I really enjoyed was the slamming of the hood at the end (that was great both visually and audibly). A series of different shots of the engine and it's parts closed with that ending would be great. As is though, it needs a lot of reworking.

jacqueline quebec said...

I thought there could have been more to it. Watching the engine was boring. Next time try different angles and add more of the car.

Anonymous said...

i thought it was an interesting idea. although i think it was kinda boring with only one camera angle the whole time. i think if u added more angles or effects it would have made the video better.

maryann said...

Nothing really happened. Maybe if you moved the camera around or at least made different angles. Maybe if you showed the different parts of the engine or even the whole car it would make it more interesting.

Madison said...

This was just all around really terrible. It didn't follow the theme of "industrial" at all. It didn't seem like you put much thought into making it either. Next time at least try multiple camera angles...change things up a bit, thiirst 2 secondss video was just way too boring. I think instead of filming the car's engine you should have gotten in the car and driven around, you really don't have to go too far to find something industrial.